When Martika Whylly lost her mom to suicide she didn’t want to live. And then divine intervention prevented that from happening. But the anger still took hold. As she lost more and more family members in a short time, she traveled an immensely painful grief journey but has now learned to live her life with fun and JOY.
Now she shares her story and journey with others, to help them graduate from the pain of their loss and step into living with their JOY again too.
Martika Whylly is the author of Having fun with God, and the Host of the Grieve with ease podcast. Her path to host a grief podcast became clear after she wrote the book, Having fun with God. A personal journey about death, loss and how Martika handled grief.
Website – www.grievewithease.com
To get a copy of her book click the link below:
Sherrie Dunlevy- #Inspirationista, is a best selling author, speaker, podcast host. She is also the founder of the the “Graduating Grief Academy” and online support community.
Sherrie is on a mission to help grieving people step out of pain and step into living with purpose passion and joy.
To join the Graduating Grief positive support community Click here:
To find out if you are ready to graduate from the pain of your grief, take the free quiz
To order a copy of her best selling book “How Can I Help?” go to www.SherrieDunlevy.com/author.
To invite Sherrie to speak at your next event, conference or to book a “How Can I Help?”- Workshop at your business, hospital or school, contact Sherrie at sherriedunlevy@gmail.com