Stepping up to support a friend who is suffering is not always an easy thing to do. So many of us want to help but just aren’t sure what is proper. Proper isn’t really what it’s about. Caring, kindness and support is. That’s why I…

Stepping up to support a friend who is suffering is not always an easy thing to do. So many of us want to help but just aren’t sure what is proper. Proper isn’t really what it’s about. Caring, kindness and support is. That’s why I…
When I was introduced to Father Nathan Castle, I was told he did some interesting work. He doesn’t prepare people for the afterlife (well living people), he helps guide souls trapped between this world and the next. And he has been doing it for more…
Getting back to your regular life is next to impossible after the loss of someone you love because everything as we once knew it has changed. Losing a spouse is tragic, having to raise children after losing a spouse can sometimes feel impossible. That’s why…
2020 is the year of collective grieving. Many of us have lost loved ones due to the pandemic. But there are many other kinds of losses people are experiencing in addition to death. People have lost jobs, lost their senior prom, sports seasons, graduation. People…
So now that we know how to recognize a child who is grieving, what are some ways we can help support them in their grief journey. Author, grief educator, and pastor Steve Sewell is back to offer advice. ______________________________________________________ To get a copy of Steve’s…
When we think of a grieving person, we often think about a person who is depressed, sad and crying. But just seeing that picture of grief, could be holding you back from REALLY seeing what grief actually looks like. Grieving people rarely break down in…
We all work with someone who has been dealing with grief. We just might not know it. Grief isn’t necessarily just about death. People can grieve over lost marriages, a diagnosis, a child who has a drug problem, and the list goes on and on.…
Have you ever had your loved one visit you in a dream? Did you ever wonder what it meant? Were you curious if you were the only person, having this happen? Did it make you feel better when you woke up? In this episode of…
As if losing a loved one isn’t painful enough, what do you do when you lose them during this pandemic? That’s what happened to Barry Koch and his siblings, when his mother died suddenly. In this episode of the Grief Anonymous Podcast, Barry, talks about…
When it comes to losing a pet, the sadness and grief you experience can be just as devastating as losing a human to death. The connection between a person and their pet can be strong, intimate and filled with love. The good news is, that…