And yet, much of the world won’t seriously recognize that pain because what you lost was “just a pet”.
Or they may even challenge you and your grief by trying to explain it cannot be compared to the loss of a human.
In this episode, I am addressing this issue once and for all.
And the pain you feel is real and understandable and can be excruciating.
And because it is real grief, you may be having a difficult time with it.
This episode is a short but powerful episode about validating that grief and that pain, and hopefully by doing that, it will lead to the hope and healing that comes with Graduating from your Grief.
Sherrie Dunlevy- #Inspirationista, is a best selling author, speaker, podcast host. She is also the founder of the the “Graduating Grief Academy” and online support community.
Sherrie is on a mission to help grieving people step out of pain and step into living with purpose passion and joy.
To join the Graduating Grief positive support community Click here:
To find out if you are ready to graduate from the pain of your grief, take the free quiz
To order a copy of her best selling book “How Can I Help?” go to
To invite Sherrie to speak at your next event, conference or to book a “How Can I Help?”- Workshop at your business, hospital or school, contact Sherrie at